Learning Environment

Teacher collaborates with colleagues,  the learner, and the learner’s families to create a supportive and motivating environment for their students. Through the usage of varied methods and respectful communication, the teacher works to build a safe and productive learning environment that facilitates learners building their learning capacity and collaboration skills. Through a respect for diversity and a well rounded knowledge of virtual and physical classroom collaborative skills, the teacher works to create an environment conducive to learning. I have attached a letter to families to exemplify correspondence with families as well as information about my open teacher table and my ‘handle with care’ training. 

Handle With Care Training

During my time in my placement I also was able to attend RCPS training on “Handle with Care’. This training outlines de-escalation tactics and how to address conflicts within students. Learning the different ways to address internal and external conflicts and how to appropriately transition a child through the tensions/tension reduction cycle, I became aware of the real importance of being a solid foundation for a student and how to best help students deal with emotions and behavioral issues in order to create a safe learning environment for each individual. 

Classroom Management Through Open Communication

One way that I implement this standard is working to facilitate a learning environment that is respectful to all students and creating a safe space for students who are able to discuss any outside issues. With RCPS being a trauma informed district, we have students dealing with a number of problems including but not limited to suicidal thoughts, familial deaths & deportations, foster families, and a number of other events that can be traumatic. Partnering with the guidance department and my co-teachers, I work to ensure that students not only are behaving but were also in a safe emotional environment to be able to learn. 

Invitations for Open Communication with Families

The attached letter was sent out to families upon my arrival in my placement to introduce myself. The letter gives a brief background of myself and my previous experience in Roanoke City Schools, as well as informs the parents of my qualifications and my journey in their child’s classroom that will culminate with my teaching in the district the following year. I encourage parents to contact me with any questions or concerns and encourage open communication. Thus, the student and parent are both informed of my entrance into the classroom environment, and the transition of myself into the class ecosystem is seamless.