Leadership and Collaboration

The educator is able to be a leader and role model in the classroom and the school as a whole as he/she takes responsibility for the well-being and safety of learners. In this role, the educator works to collaborate not only with learners, colleagues, and school professionals but also with the learners’ families and community members. Through this collaboration both the learner and the educator are able to grow and create a better collaborative atmosphere for learning. 

Grade Level Collaboration Meetings

The first way that I exemplify this standard is by attending grade level meetings. These meetings include not only the grade level subject teachers but also all of the reading and math specialists and the instructional coach as we all address instruction. Within these meetings we all take a moment to discuss our positive for the week and why we appreciate teaching and our classes from the week and then proceed with planning aspects of instructions, discussing upcoming field trip opportunities, and outlining the best instructional practices for proceeding forward with instruction. 

Books and Breakfast Community Involvement

Biweekly on Saturdays Star City Reads hosts a Books&Breakfast program where volunteers are able to serve breakfast and promote literacy. Hollins University education students run a site at Hurt Park Elementary I spend Saturday mornings sharing the love of reading and helping to connect children and adults in the community find a love of literacy through free books. This amazing program highlights to the community that literacy is not something that should be confined to the classroom or to a M-F basis but should be enjoyed at all times

Parent Teacher Conferences with Families

In addition to regular phone communications with parents, my team and I meet collectively with parents on conference days to complete collaborative experiences. These collaborative meetings include both the student’s entire teacher team across all subjectand the student’s family in order to address any and all concerns. Through these meetings the teacher team is able to create an educational and disciplinary plan for the student that addresses all aspects of the students educational and personal lives.