Instructional Strategies

The educator is able to implement a variety of strategies into the lessons that help to facilitate learning? These strategies help to differentiate instruction for the individual learner and ensures that the lessons are developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate instructional strategies to achieve learning goals. Through these strategies the teacher is able to enhance and extend the learners’ communication through speaking, listening, reading, writing and retention of knowledge. 

Small & Whole Group Instruction

Through the combination of both small and whole group instruction, I deliver content using multiple teaching methods to students allowing them to work directly with a teacher, in an independent setting for independent practice, or their peers through guided group work and modeling.  In a whole group setting the student is provided with overviews of content and more general ideas. These general ideas are then able to be transitioned into a small group setting where the student is able to either have the teacher reinforce or clarify materials that were not understood or to explore the content to a higher level with more direct questions that reach higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.  

Integration of Technology

Another way that I demonstrate this skill in my lessons is through the usage of age appropriate technological resources that convey the content. Using activities such as the digital dissection to the right students are able to explore science topics through a digital means, allowing them to move at their own pace and experience content through a digital lens. 

Language Resources for Language Learners

Using additional resources created for language learners, I work to create lessons for the student that address their current orthographic levels while also understanding their increased background knowledge and development. Working with ELL teachers in the classroom I create age-appropriate resources that are culturally respectful by referencing the differentiated text from the word study creators that highlights the student’s first language and scaffolds for older emergent and letter name readers.